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Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Korona Suspected Virus Transmitted from Human to Human

in this world are many types - types of viruses that are harmful to human health. and many types of virus transmission. one a dangerous virus is a corona virus.

Corona virus seems to still be a threat to people around the world. In England again found a corona virus infection allegedly caused by human-to-human transmission.

Prof. Dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama SPP (K), MARS, DTM & H, DTCE as Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health (P2PL) Ministry of Health said there was one case of infection corona virus where there is no history of traveling to Arab, but a relative of the patient before.

"So for this last case, there are allegations of early chances 'human to human transmission', although there is no ongoing transmission to other relatives," said Prof. Tjandra release received detikHealth, Saturday (16/02/2013).

Currently, treatment is carried out extensively in the UK and the results will continue to be reported through the mechanism of the International Health Regulations (IHR) to all countries including Indonesia.

From September 2012 to the present day corona virus infection had occurred in 11 cases where the two exist in Qatar, five in Saudi Arabia, two in Jordan and two in England. Which five of them died.

Prof. Tjandra explained the general symptoms of the disease are high fever, shortness of breath and coughing, and lead to pulmonary disorders and severe airway. Treatment is done according to the rules in the hospital management of patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

"Until now there has been no 'travel restriction' to any country, as well as the vaccine is not yet available. Still very small number of cases and continues to be monitored closely by the WHO," said Prof. Tjandra.

For alertness, since October 2012 last P2PL MoH has made a circular to all the Port Health Office vigilance corona virus, as well as all district surveillance officers had been asked to increase surveillance of ILI and SARS.

Corona virus is a member of a large family of viruses, including the common cold and SARS. These viruses cause respiratory tract infections in humans and animals, as well as the possible spread through saliva when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

Although some experts believe that the virus is not easily spread, but the patient and the nurses and doctors on duty are required to wear a mask and do the same protocols as infectious diseases to prevent the potential spread of the virus.

Benefits Of Papaya Leaf

Previous never talk about health information   the benefits of soursop leaves   and   papaya benefits   , Health information so this time will discuss about   the benefits of papaya leaves   . Papaya leaf has many benefits, not one other than your usual fruit consumption, as well as the leaves that can provide benefits to your health.   Below we will describe some of the benefits of papaya leaves, include the following:    

Prevent Cancer   Cancer is a disease that highly malignant and lethal, if not prevented from now it will be life-threatening.   In the papaya leaf sap itself contains so much white as milk (milky white latex), roomates can be developed as anti-cancer.   Sap is automatically obtained when you consume papaya leaves, either in cooking or in any way.    

Stabilize Blood Pressure   papaya leaves are also very beneficial for people with high blood pressure.   Because papaya leaf functions as blood pressure control.   The way is easy, you just prepare 5 pieces of papaya leaves and then boiled or cooked with half a liter of water.   Cook until the water leaving a 3/4.   Allow to cool and then drunk.   You may mix it with honey as a supplement or sweetener.    

Increase Appetite   If you have a problem with a thin body due to lack of appetite, then the solution is papaya.   Because in the papaya leaf contains can increase of appetite.   How mashed papaya blended ways that have previously been mixed with salt and warm water.   After it was screened by filtering the already filtered water is ready to drink.  

Eliminate Acne   Papaya Leaf has properties as a solution for those who mempuyai   acne   is stubborn.   How to make that; quotation old 2-3 papaya leaves then dry in the sun for a while so that the leaves looked wilted.   Once it leaves that have Withered until finely ground.   The results of the collision given a little water (half teaspoon) and apply on the face that are acne until some time (if only da neresap on acne) then rinse with clean water (do not use a facial cleanser or soap to clean the herb of the face).   And many more   benefits of papaya leaves   that have not been Mentioned again.   What is Mentioned above is only a few of the benefits commonly experienced by everyone.   Hopefully the info regarding the benefits of papaya leaves to provide knowledge to those who read it.   Read also the other articles on cystic disease   .  

Benefits Of Papaya Leaf
Benefits Of Papaya Leaf
Benefits Of Papaya Leaf
Benefits Of Papaya Leaf
Benefits Of Papaya Leaf


Monday, 18 February 2013

Avocado Benefits For Face Beauty

Avocado (KBBI: Avocado), avocado, Persea americana or plant is producing fruit table with the same name. This plant comes from Mexico and Central America and is now widely cultivated in South America and Central America as a crop monoculture and as garden plants in areas of tropical rest of the world.
Trees, with stems reaching 20 m tall with leaves 12 to 25 cm long. The flowers are yellowish-green color hidden and sizes 5 to 10 millimeters. Its size varies from 7 to 20 centimeters, with a mass of 100 to 1000 grams; seeds are large, 5 to 6.4 centimeters.
The fruit type buni , have soft skin uneven dark green to brownish purple, depending on the variety. Avocado pulp is light green and light yellow near the skin near the seed, with a soft texture.

Avocado has a million benefits for beauty porters t. This delicious fruit contains oils that can nourish the skin. The content of essential fatty acids, vitamins C, E and other nutrients can act as an antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-wrinkle effect to keep skin young.

Quoted by the Times of India, avocados are also able to prevent the growth of bacteria on the skin that causes acne, and moisturize and protect skin from dryness. Besides avocados can counteract the adverse effects of ultraviolet light and is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin problems to treat.

There are many ways to care for skin beauty using avocado. Here are tips to beautify yourself from head to toe, as quoted from the All Women Stalk.

1. Starring Hair
Take the avocado flesh and puree with a spoon or fork. Then add the egg yolk and a single 1/2 teaspoon olive oil. Mix well, and apply the mixture evenly from scalp to ends of hair. Let stand for 25 minutes then rinse. Once clean, wash hair as usual with shampoo and moisturise using conditioner. Your hair will feel very soft and glowing.

2. Relieves Eye Swelling
It's easy, thinly sliced ​​avocado and put it under both eyes. Let stand for 15-20 minutes, then rinse your face with water. The eyes will look refreshed instantly.

3. Face Masks
Take-mashed avocado flesh and mash until smooth. Stick the avocado mask to the entire face and leave on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then cold water afterwards.

4. Moisturizers
Skin contains avocado oil that can be used as a moisturizer. Clean your face, then gently rub the inside of the avocado skin on the entire face. Let stand about 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water, followed by cold water. Skin becomes more moist and tender.

5. Hand Scrub
Avocados can also be used as a scrub to smooth hands. Mash avocado, then mix with 3-4 teaspoons of oatmeal, 1 egg white and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Spread the mixture on hand, allow 10-15 minutes, then rinse and dry.

6. Skin Smoothing Foot
Mash or blend the fruit of the avocado flesh to form a puree. Then massage on your feet and allow about 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and use a moisturizer. Besides softening, avocado is also good for treating cracked heels.
Avocado Benefits For Face Beauty
Avocado Benefits For Face Beauty
Avocado Benefits For Face Beauty
Avocado Benefits For Face Beauty

Benefits of Banana for Health

a lot of fruit that are beneficial to the human body. one of the fruits that are beneficial to health is BANANAS.

Benefits of Banana for Health
Benefits of Banana for Health
Benefits of Banana for Health

Bananas are one of the benefits are as follows:

1. Diet
One banana has 11% of dietary fiber and only about 108 calories. The fiber in bananas not only do the normal digestion, but also helps keep blood sugar lower than foods with excess karbohidarar.

2. Keeping Blood Pressure
Studies show that a high amount of potassium in bananas (over 13%) can lower one's blood pressure, which reduces the likelihood of someone hit by atherosclerosis, heart disease and stroke.

3. Maintaining bone health
Along with lowering blood pressure, potassium prevents the weakening of bone in the body. High sodium intake, can lead to excessive amounts of calcium to be lost through the urine, which threatens not only the strength and bone health, but also negatively affect blood clotting, muscle contraction, and normal nervous system function. Potassium is found in bananas neutralize high amounts of sodium in one's diet, so keep a healthy amount of calcium in the body.

4. Nutrient absorption in the number of Internet
Potassium in bananas is not the only way to ensure a healthy level of calcium in the body. Bananas also contain high levels of fructooligosaccharide (FOS) high - along with insulin - increase the absorption of calcium. FOS maintain healthy bacteria in the colon that produce vitamins and digestive enzymes that improve overall body's ability to absorb nutrients.

5. Treating diarrhea and constipation
The number of high potassium in bananas can help raise levels of electrolytes are depleted when you have diarrhea. In addition, bananas can relieve the body of constipation and help restore normal digestion with pectin, a soluble polysaccharide which helps normalize the digestive tract.

6. Maintaining the health of the stomach
Banana protects the stomach in two ways. First, they trigger the production of mucus in the stomach, which can prevent stomach acid. Secondly, the banana has a protease inhibitor, a substance that breaks down the bacteria in the stomach that causes ulcers. In addition, bananas also inhibit the replication of cells and certain viruses, including HIV.

7. Cancer Prevention
A large study conducted by the Internal Journal of Cancer suggests that people who ate bananas four to six times a week had a lower risk of kidney cancer. It has already been proven to subject women, and levels decline reached 50%.

8. Vitamin B6
One banana contains 34% of vitamin B6, which plays an important role in the health of the body. For example, B6 in bananas acts as an anti-inflammatory agent that helps ward off heart disease, type II diabetes, and obesity. B6 also contributes to the maintenance of lymphoid glands that ensure the production of healthy white blood cells that protect the body from infection. Vitamin B6 in bananas plays an important part in the formation of cells and the proper function of the nervous system, making a banana a day to be healthy and delicious option.

Benefits of Banana for Health
Benefits of Banana for Health
Benefits of Banana for Health

Benefits of Banana for Health
Benefits of Banana for Health
Benefits of Banana for Health

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